In addition to actively measuring VoC via surveys, as mentioned in last week’s blog, companies can also passively measure satisfaction via AI and sentiment. Companies talk about the importance of offering great CX, yet the reality is that most companies don’t measure the quality of most interactions. Nearly 75% of companies measure the quality of voice interactions but most other channels, especially newer ones like messengers, are not measured at all. And most companies that do measure voice only sample a very small percentage of interactions. The norm in this increasingly digital world is that most digital interactions are not monitored for quality and only a small percentage of voice interactions are measured. The bottom line is that the vast majority of all interactions are not measured for quality.
A recent Bright Pattern survey from September 2019 found some interesting stats. Only 13% of companies review every interaction and most just sample a small percentage of interactions.

But with AI embedded in your contact center operations, things like sentiment can be automatically and easily noted for every interaction on every single channel for comprehensive passive monitoring of quality assurance. AI with NLP can measure every voice or IVR interaction and detect sentiment. AI can also measure sentiment on channels such as web chat, email, text message, or bot interactions. Yet most companies are not yet doing so.
AI has been the latest buzzword of the last few years and in the contact center industry, companies have been looking for a way to bring AI down to earth and find specific use cases where AI has a demonstrable ROI. Using AI to monitor all interactions on all channels is a great use case where ROI with AI can be quickly achieved.
The good news is that our survey found that most companies are planning to move toward using AI for quality assurance purposes, with nearly two-thirds of companies looking to make the move:
About the author:
Previously Ted worked at Genesys where he led North America Marketing with over 15 years in the customer experience industry. Prior to that Ted worked for startups and enterprise software and hardware companies in all marketing functions.
In addition to his CX experience, Ted has a background in business intelligence and large scale computing systems. Ted is a graduate of the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan with a marketing and finance background.