Choose the Right Platform for Your Remote Workforce Call Center
Perhaps the biggest decision in deploying a remote workforce is finding the right platform for your business. Backed by industry leaders and world-class customer service, Bright Pattern offers the only true omnichannel cloud platform with embedded AI that can be deployed quickly and nimbly by business users—without costly professional services.
How to Connect Remote Employees
The implementation of a virtual call center allows your call center agents to set up a traditional call center in the comfort of their home office.
2020 Trends: Don’t Forget About the Past
While our 2020 call center trends blog series has focused a lot on cutting-edge technology and newer channels, it’s important that we don’t forget about those who prefer an old-school customer experience via phone and/or email. In an August 2019 survey by Statista, 61% of respondents stated the phone was their preferred communication channel to resolve customer service issues.
Iterate as Needed and Communicate Frequently with Your Remote Agents
We already talked about how strategic planning is vital in times of crisis. However, even the best laid out plans aren’t always perfect. As certain situations become more fluid, the ebb and flow of customer demands and business requirements may change drastically from one day to the next. Iteration is key when deploying remote contact center agents.
How Long Does It Take to Deploy a Virtual Call Center?
With the COVID-19 pandemic, many contact centers and CX providers are turning to virtual call center solutions to continue providing customer service while keeping call center agents safe. With many governments ordering mandatory shelter-in-place and lockdown regulations, the traditional call center has shifted to the home office for many businesses.
Utilize QA Tools and Reporting to Track Remote Agent Activity, Goals, and Metrics
Call center QA requires a new approach due to the fact that call centers have been undergoing rapid change and transformation.
2020 Trends: The DIY of CX–Advanced Self-Service
As we shift into the next generation of tech-savvy consumers, the demand for self-service customer solutions will continue to grow exponentially.
Omnichannel CX Tip #10: Measure Quality by Channel, Journey Type, and Customer Segment
Through this blog series we have looked at why it is important to see the journey at the individual’s level—the micro level—by agents or employees and also how important
2020 Trends: Advanced Quality Management–An Omnipresence for Omnichannel
When it comes to quality management (QM or quality assurance) for CX firms, the traditional method has been to monitor, evaluate, report, and coach–typically on the voice channel only.
Train Quickly, and Choose Wisely When Deploying a Remote Workforce
By implementing proper training and frequent training sessions, agent efficiency can increase massively, ensuring higher overall customer satisfaction.