2021 Trends – Dedicated to Mobile
During the pandemic of 2020, mobile phone use was up, way up. According to one recent survey, 39% of participants stated that they were relying more on their phones due to social distancing.

2021 Trends – Clouds Have Clout
We said it before and we’ll say it again—on-premise contact center systems are no longer the best approach in the post-pandemic contact center. Ironically enough, cloud contact centers a few years ago were considered more risky and less secure than premise-based systems, but since COVID, cloud contact centers are significantly better for business continuity and employee safety than was previously the case.

Wrapping Up 2020 – Our Favorite Content of the Year
2020 was one of the most eventful years in a long time. World events, the COVID-19 pandemic, and other factors have changed many lives around the world. Customer service has also changed over 2020, with many companies having to transform how they provide customer service to adapt with current events.

2021 Trends – Be Prepared For Anything
Let’s be honest, no one was prepared for a global shut down due to the pandemic. Contact centers that relied on outsourcing calls and other channels overseas—instead of relying on work from home agents—were blindsided when the virus spread like wildfire to other countries.

“Evolving to Capitalize on the Virtual Experience Economy” Webinar Recap
The “experience economy” is defined as “an economy in which goods or services are sold by emphasizing the effect they can have on people’s lives.” Many customers were spending their money on experiences rather than commodities.

Forrester Webinar Recap: Turbocharge Your Existing ITSM Solution
On November 19th, Forrester and Bright Pattern hosted a joint webinar centered on turbocharging your existing ITSM solution.

What Makes a Contact Center Solution Great? Contact Center Solutions of Yesterday and Today
The most primitive contact center solutions originated in the 1960s, when the UK-based tabloid The Birmingham Press implemented a system that used a simple algorithm to filter calls and assign them to the best agents available at any given moment.

2021 Trends: Any Agent, Any Time, Anywhere
First up on our list is arguably the most important asset to the contact center—the agents. Sometime around mid-March, as COVID-19 spread through the US and eventually the world, contact center agents were given marching orders to head home and continue their work from a more comfortable confine.

The ABCs of the Post-Pandemic Contact Center
2020. What else can we say that hasn’t been said already? The year 2020 should be entered into the dictionary as a noun, a verb and an adjective to mark an era, the action of utter uncertainty and describe something that is unfathomable.
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