Utilize QA Tools and Reporting to Track Remote Agent Activity, Goals, and Metrics
Call center QA requires a new approach due to the fact that call centers have been undergoing rapid change and transformation.

2020 Trends: The DIY of CX–Advanced Self-Service
As we shift into the next generation of tech-savvy consumers, the demand for self-service customer solutions will continue to grow exponentially.

Omnichannel CX Tip #10: Measure Quality by Channel, Journey Type, and Customer Segment
Through this blog series we have looked at why it is important to see the journey at the individual’s level—the micro level—by agents or employees and also how important

2020 Trends: Advanced Quality Management–An Omnipresence for Omnichannel
When it comes to quality management (QM or quality assurance) for CX firms, the traditional method has been to monitor, evaluate, report, and coach–typically on the voice channel only.

Train Quickly, and Choose Wisely When Deploying a Remote Workforce
By implementing proper training and frequent training sessions, agent efficiency can increase massively, ensuring higher overall customer satisfaction.

Omnichannel CX Tip #9: Use Omnichannel Scorecards and Coaching to Help Agents
To succeed at delivering a great omnichannel customer experience, it is critical to make it easy for supervisors to review, score, and coach agents on key interactions on any channel.

How BPOs Can Help Your Call Center Operations During a Pandemic
Businesses that typically operated in brick-and-mortar centers have been forced to reorganize call center operations and move to primarily remote workforce.

How to Get Organized for Deploying a Remote Workforce
Along with strategic planning (mentioned in our blog post last week), getting organized is a critical component of any remote workforce deployment. While this may seem obvious on a macro level—formation of teams and managerial hierarchy—the finer details of employee work environments and supplies should be set up for success. Whether a company’s leadership structure is tall or flat, reporting hierarchies should be established well before implementing a remote workforce.

2020 Trends: Bridging the AI Gap
Any glimpse into the future of CX has to include AI. After all, IDC predicts total AI spending will more than double to $79 billion by 2022. Investment into AI by CX firms is a major capital expenditure that will surely pay dividends over time by increasing productivity. However, even though 72% of all businesses are using AI, 7 out of 10 companies report minimal or no impact from AI.
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